Chapter 2 Section 4 of The Swedish Work Environment Act Version 2023:349, English Translation
Overview of The Swedish Work Environment Act
2 kap. Arbetsmiljöns beskaffenhet | Chapter 2 The state of the work environment |
4 § | Section 4 |
De arbetshygieniska förhÄllandena nÀr det gÀller luft, ljud, ljus, vibrationer och liknande skall vara tillfredsstÀllande. | The occupational hygiene conditions must be satisfactory as regards air quality, acoustics, lighting, vibrations and other comparable factors. |
Betryggande skyddsÄtgÀrder skall vidtagas mot skada genom fall, ras, brand, explosion, elektrisk ström eller liknande. Lag (2003:365). | Adequate safety measures must be taken to prevent injuries caused by falls, collapses, fire, explosion, electricity or other comparable factors. Act (2003:365). |