Chapter 3 Section 7h of The Swedish Work Environment Act Version 2023:349, English Translation

Overview of The Swedish Work Environment Act

3 kap. AllmÀnna skyldigheter Chapter 3 General obligations
7 h § Section 7h
Den som tillverkar monteringsfÀrdiga byggnader eller anlÀggningar ska se till att arbetsmiljösynpunkter beaktas vid projekteringen nÀr det gÀller sÄvÀl byggskedet som det framtida brukandet samt se till att olika delar av projekteringen samordnas. Lag (2008:934). Any person producing prefabricated buildings or facilities must ensure that work environment perspectives are taken into account in connection with their design, with regard to both the construction phase and future use, and ensure that different aspects of the design are coordinated. Act (2008:934).