Chapter 8 Section 6 of The Swedish Work Environment Act Version 2023:349, English Translation
Overview of The Swedish Work Environment Act
Sanktionsavgift | Financial penalties |
6 § | Section 6 |
Sanktionsavgiften ska tas ut av den fysiska eller juridiska person som drev den verksamhet dÀr övertrÀdelsen skedde. | The financial penalty shall be charged to the natural or legal person operating the activities in which the infringement occurred. |
Avgiften fÄr sÀttas ned helt eller delvis om övertrÀdelsen Àr ringa eller ursÀktlig eller om det annars med hÀnsyn till omstÀndigheterna skulle vara oskÀligt att ta ut sanktionsavgiften. | The penalty may be reduced or waived if the infringement is negligible or excusable, or if, in view of the circumstances, it would otherwise be unreasonable to charge the financial penalty. |
Avgiften tillfaller staten. Lag (2013:610). | The penalty accrues to the State. Act (2013:610). |