Section 17 of The Swedish Working Hours Act Version 2022:450, English Translation
Overview of The Swedish Working Hours Act
Arbetstidens förlÀggning m.m. | Organisation of working time, etc. |
17 § | Section 17 |
Arbetsgivaren skall ordna arbetet sÄ att arbetstagarna kan ta de pauser som behövs utöver rasterna. | The employer shall organise work so that employees are able to take pauses from work as necessary, in addition to breaks. |
Om arbetsförhÄllandena krÀver det, fÄr i stÀllet sÀrskilda arbetspauser lÀggas ut. Arbetsgivaren skall i sÄ fall pÄ förhand ange arbetspausernas lÀngd och förlÀggning sÄ noga som omstÀndigheterna medger. | If the working conditions so require, special work pauses may instead be scheduled. If so, the employer shall state the duration and organisation of the pauses in advance as precisely as the circumstances allow. |
Pauser rÀknas in i arbetstiden. | Pauses are included in the working time. |