Section 10 of The Swedish Employment Protection Act Version 2022:836, English Translation
Overview of The Swedish Employment Protection Act
UppsÀgning frÄn arbetsgivarens sida | Notice of termination by the employer |
10 § | Section 10 |
UppsĂ€gningsbeskedet skall lĂ€mnas till arbetstagaren personligen. Ăr det inte skĂ€ligt att krĂ€va detta, fĂ„r beskedet i stĂ€llet sĂ€ndas i rekommenderat brev till arbetstagarens senast kĂ€nda adress. | Notice of termination must be delivered to an employee personally. Where this cannot reasonably be required, notice may instead be posted by registered letter to the employee's last known address. |
UppsÀgning anses ske nÀr arbetstagaren fÄr del av uppsÀgningen. Om arbetstagaren inte kan antrÀffas och ett uppsÀgningsbesked har sÀnts i brev enligt första stycket, anses uppsÀgning ha skett tio dagar efter det att brevet lÀmnades till posten för befordran. Har arbetstagaren semester, anses uppsÀgning ha skett tidigast dagen efter den dÄ semestern upphörde. | Notice of termination shall be deemed effective when received by the employee. Where the employee cannot be reached and notice of termination has been dispatched by letter according to the first paragraph, notice of termination shall be deemed effective 10 days after the letter was submitted to the post office for delivery. If the employee is on holiday, notice of termination shall be deemed effective not earlier than the day after the holiday ends. |
UppsÀgningstid | Period of notice |