Section 12 of The Swedish Employment Protection Act Version 2022:836, English Translation
Overview of The Swedish Employment Protection Act
Lön och andra förmÄner under uppsÀgningstiden | Pay and other benefits during the period following notice of termination |
12 § | Section 12 |
En arbetstagare som har blivit uppsagd har rÀtt att under uppsÀgningstiden behÄlla sin lön och andra anstÀllningsförmÄner Àven om arbetstagaren inte fÄr nÄgra arbetsuppgifter alls eller fÄr andra arbetsuppgifter Àn tidigare. Lag (1984:1008). | An employee who has been given notice is entitled to retain pay and other employment benefits during the period of notice, notwithstanding that the employee is not assigned any duties or is assigned duties different from those the employee previously performed. (SFS 1984:1008). |