Section 15 of The Swedish Employment Protection Act Version 2022:836, English Translation

Overview of The Swedish Employment Protection Act

Besked om att tidsbegrÀnsad anstÀllning inte kommer att fortsÀtta Notification that fixed-term employment will not be continued
15 § Section 15
En arbetstagare som Ă€r anstĂ€lld för begrĂ€nsad tid enligt 5 § och som inte kommer att fĂ„ fortsatt anstĂ€llning nĂ€r anstĂ€llningen upphör, ska fĂ„ besked av arbetsgivaren om detta minst en mĂ„nad före anstĂ€llningstidens utgĂ„ng. En förutsĂ€ttning för rĂ€tt till sĂ„dant besked Ă€r dock att arbetstagaren, nĂ€r anstĂ€llningen upphör, har varit anstĂ€lld hos arbetsgivaren sammanlagt mer Ă€n tolv mĂ„nader under de senaste tre Ă„ren eller sammanlagt mer Ă€n nio mĂ„nader i sĂ€rskild visstidsanstĂ€llning under de senaste tre Ă„ren. Är anstĂ€llningstiden sĂ„ kort att besked inte kan lĂ€mnas en mĂ„nad i förvĂ€g, ska beskedet i stĂ€llet lĂ€mnas nĂ€r anstĂ€llningen börjar. An employee who is employed for a fixed term as provided in Section 5 and who will not be given further employment when the employment ends, must be notified to this effect by the employer not less than one month before the expiration of the period of employment. However, a condition for the right to such notification is that the employee, when the employment terminates, has been employed by the employer for a total of more than twelve months over the past three years, or a total of more than nine months in specific fixed-term employment over the past three years. If the term of employment is so short that notification cannot be provided one month in advance, notification must instead be provided when the employment begins.
Om en sÀsongsanstÀlld arbetstagare, som nÀr anstÀllningen upphör har varit sÀsongsanstÀlld hos arbetsgivaren mer Àn sex mÄnader under de senaste tvÄ Ären, inte kommer att fÄ fortsatt sÀsongsanstÀllning vid den nya sÀsongens början, ska arbetsgivaren ge arbetstagaren besked om detta minst en mÄnad innan den nya sÀsongen börjar. Lag (2022:835). Where a seasonal employee, who at the end of the employment has been employed by the employer for a specific season for more than six months during the past two years, will not be given further seasonal employment at the beginning of the new season, the employer must notify the employee to this effect at least one month prior to the commencement of the new season. (SFS 2022:835)