Section 21 of The Swedish Employment Protection Act Version 2022:836, English Translation

Overview of The Swedish Employment Protection Act

Lön och andra förmÄner under permittering Pay and other benefits during lay offs
21 § Section 21
En arbetstagare som permitteras har rÀtt till samma lön och andra anstÀllningsförmÄner som om arbetstagaren hade fÄtt behÄlla sina arbetsuppgifter. Detta gÀller dock inte om permitteringen Àr en följd av att arbetet Àr sÀsongbetonat eller av andra skÀl inte Àr sammanhÀngande till sin natur. Lag (1984:1008). An employee who is laid off is entitled the same pay and other employment benefits as if the employee had been allowed to continue his or her duties. This however, does not apply where the lay off is a consequence of the seasonal nature of the work or the fact that the work is otherwise inherently intermittent. (SFS 1984:1008).
Turordning vid uppsÀgning Order of priority in connection with termination of employment