Section 29 of The Swedish Employment Protection Act Version 2022:836, English Translation

Overview of The Swedish Employment Protection Act

Förhandlingar m.m. Negotiations, etc.
29 § Section 29
I frÄga om en arbetsgivares skyldighet att förhandla före beslut om uppsÀgning pÄ grund av arbetsbrist, permittering eller Äterintagning efter permittering gÀller 11-14 §§ lagen (1976:580) om medbestÀmmande i arbetslivet. Sections 11 - 14 of the Employment (Co-determination in the Workplace) Act (1976:580) shall apply in respect of the duty of employers to enter into negotiations before deciding on termination of employment on the grounds of a shortage of work, lay- offs or re-engagement following lay-offs. (SFS 1989:963).