Section 24 of The Swedish Co-Determination Act Version 2021:1114, English Translation

Overview of The Swedish Co-Determination Act

Kollektivavtal Collective Bargaining Agreements
24 § Section 24
Avser kollektivavtal arbetstagares hyresförhÄllande, har avtalet i den delen verkan som kollektivavtal endast i den mÄn det Àr frÄga om partsstÀllning och innehÄll Àr sÄdant som anges i 12 kap. 67 § jordabalken. Where a collective bargaining agreement relates to an employee's tenancy relationship, the agreement, in such respect, shall have effect as a collective bargaining agreement only where the agreement, in respect of the status of the party and its contents are such as are referred to in chapter 12, Section 67 of the Land Code.