Section 31 of The Swedish Co-Determination Act Version 2021:1114, English Translation
Overview of The Swedish Co-Determination Act
Kollektivavtal | Collective Bargaining Agreements |
31 § | Section 31 |
Har arbetsgivare, arbetstagare eller organisation som Àr bunden av kollektivavtal grovt brutit mot sÄdant avtal eller mot denna lag och har förfarandet vÀsentlig betydelse för avtalsförhÄllandet i dess helhet, fÄr domstol pÄ yrkande av motpart förklara att kollektivavtal som binder parterna icke lÀngre skall gÀlla mellan dem. | Where an employer, employee or organisation bound by a collective bargaining agreement has committed a gross breach of such an agreement or of this Act and where such provisions have a fundamental significance on the contractual relationship as a whole, a court may, upon motion of the other party, declare that a collective bargaining agreement by which the parties are bound is no longer applicable to such parties. |
Ăr kollektivavtal pĂ„ den ena sidan eller pĂ„ bĂ„da sidor slutet av flera parter och har förklaring enligt första stycket gjorts för endast vissa av dem, fĂ„r annan part inom tre veckor dĂ€refter med omedelbar verkan sĂ€ga upp samma avtal för egen del. | Where a collective bargaining agreement has been concluded by several parties on either side or on both sides and where a declaratory judgment has been made under the first paragraph of this Section in respect of only some of them, any other party may, within three weeks thereafter, terminate the agreement on its own behalf with immediate effect. |
Finner domstol att visst förfarande strider mot kollektivavtal eller mot denna lag, fÄr domstolen pÄ yrkande befria arbetsgivare, arbetstagare eller organisation frÄn förpliktelse enligt kollektivavtal eller enligt lagen, i den mÄn det med hÀnsyn till det otillÄtna förfarandet icke skÀligen kan krÀvas att förpliktelsen fullgöres. Lag (1977:532). | Where a court determines that particular actions are contrary to a collective bargaining agreement or to this Act, it may, upon application, release an employer, employee or organisation from its obligations under the collective bargaining agreement or this Act, to the extent it cannot be reasonably required that such obligations be fulfilled. (SFS 1977:532) |