Section 59 of The Swedish Co-Determination Act Version 2021:1114, English Translation

Overview of The Swedish Co-Determination Act

SkadestÄnd och andra pÄföljder Damages and other sanctions
59 § Section 59
Har organisation, som Àr bunden av kollektivavtal, eller överordnad organisation anordnat eller föranlett olovlig stridsÄtgÀrd, kan skadestÄnd ej ÄlÀggas enskild arbetsgivare eller arbetstagare för att han har deltagit i ÄtgÀrden. Where an organisation bound by a collective bargaining agreement, or a parent organisation to which such organisation is affiliated, has organised or occasioned unlawful industrial action, damages may not be awarded against an individual employer or employee as a consequence of his participation in such action.
SkadestÄnd kan icke ÄlÀggas arbetstagare, om han med sin organisations godkÀnnande har vÀgrat att utföra arbete som arbetsgivaren har krÀvt enligt 34 § andra stycket. Damages may not be awarded against an employee where, with the approval of his organisation, he has refused to perform work that the employer has demanded under Section 34, second paragraph.