Section 9 of The Swedish Co-Determination Act Version 2021:1114, English Translation
Overview of The Swedish Co-Determination Act
FöreningsrÀtt | Right of Association |
9 § | Section 9 |
Det Äligger arbetsgivar- och arbetstagarorganisation att söka hindra, att medlem vidtager ÄtgÀrd som krÀnker föreningsrÀtten, Har medlem vidtagit sÄdan ÄtgÀrd, Àr organisationen skyldig att söka förmÄ honom att upphöra dÀrmed. | Employers' and employees' organisations shall be obliged to seek to prevent their members from taking any action that would infringe the right of association. Where a member has taken such action, the organisation shall be obliged to attempt to persuade him to cease such action. |
FörhandlingsrÀtt | Right of negotiation |